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Voted Most Likely To… (Word puzzle game)

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About the game


  • Humorous and topical questions make for a memorable activity
  • Possible focus on popular culture taps into existing conversations
  • Scoring element applied to a fun word puzzle game provides interesting ways to share through social media – for example, words from the game can be used in the social media sharing information to draw more attention to the game


This is a classic gameshow format combining edgy humour with trivia in order to reach a broad demographic, all the while using word puzzles to communicate brand messages within the game.

Game background:

This game lends itself very well to specific themes where a different take on trivia is required. The game has been used for a variety of contests, including Academy Award promotions, media promotions and travel campaigns. The example above shows one instance where Canwest (now Postmedia), Canada’s largest publisher of newspapers, used the game to support a back to school campaign to drive ad sales. The game mixed current celebrity culture, edgy questions and a nostalgic yearbook feel to create Voted Most Likely To...

The theme must have resonated like a recess bell, because the kids (and Canwest) loved it.